
New Account

New Account

Please select one of the following formats to obtain the New Account Application Form. Please
complete the application and fax it to us at 1(909) 598-3465

Browser Based Form

DP – Account Application Form

Please also review our Sales Tax Rules and Regulations concerning resale certificates.

In order to help us serve you better and to meet local legal requirements, the following information is
required for all new accounts :

If your company is located in California :

·New Customer Application Form
·A copy of Voided Company Check
·California Certificate of Resale Form
·A copy of Reseller Permit.

If your company is located Outside of California :

·New Customer Application Form
·A copy of Voided Company Check
·A copy of Business License

If you are having difficulties in retrieving the necessary forms, please call our sales department at
1(888) 696-DYNA(3962) and the forms will be faxed to you.